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Interface Specification next up previous
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Interface Specification

The program interface of a visualisation subtask module is a Matlab function with the following structure.
function InspectionModule(varargin)
% Code for a generic visualisation module
% The string below defines that this is an inspection module.
% The latter part defines the text that will appear in the main
% interface.
% INSPECTDESC generic inspection module
% Two input parameters needed:
% 1) A string with contents 'LoadData'
% 2) A struct named DataStruct, with the following fields:
% imgPET - Volume data containing the Reslice image (un-transformed!)
% imgMR  - Volume data containing the Standard image (un-transformed!)
% hdrPET - PET Analyze hdr struct, format defined in ReadAnalyzeHdr.m 
% hdrMR  - MR Analyze hdr struct, format defined in ReadAnalyzeHdr.m 
% A      - Homogenous transformation matrix between RES and STD spaces
% scales - Optional field, struct containing fields
%          STD and HDR with min/max values for colormap scaling.

Claus Svarer 2006-01-11

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2006 15:26:30 CET