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The program interface of a registration subtask module is a Matlab
function with the following structure.
function Return=RegistrationModule(files,parent,ReturnFcn,Visualizer)
% This is a generic template for a registration module for the PVEOut
% registration package.
% The string below defines that this is a registration module. The
% latter part defines the string that will appear on the MARS interface
% PLUGINDESC Generic registration module
% The input parameters are:
% files - Struct with fields STD, RES and A:
% STD is a string containing the standard filename
% RES is a cell array of strings containing the reslice
% filenames
% A is a cell array of transformation matrices from the main
% interface, defining transformations between the RES files
% and the STD file.
% parent - Matlab figure handle of the main interface calling us.
% ReturnFcn - String containing the matlab function to execute on
% module exit.
% Visualizer - The function to call for visualisation 'during
% registration'.
% This is where code should be written to
% 1) Select which RES dataset(s) should be registerd with the STD
% dataset, if more RES datasets are defined. (Some modules handles all
% RES datasets at once, others not).
% 2) Calculate registration parameters, e.g.:
% A should always have the same length as the input files.RES cell
% array, and contain homogenous transformation matrices to MARS
% a reslice coordinate set to a standard set:
% x_std=A{j}*x_res,
% where x_* are 4-dimensional homogenous coordinate vectors. Only
% entries in A selected in 1) should contain data.
% 3) Evaluate the following code to return data to the main program:
% (This code can ofcourse be evaluated elsewhere, e.g. from a gui program.
% End of the registration module.
Claus Svarer