d3view Users tutorial (8): Reading and saving parameters

Saving parameters

Since adjustment of parameters in d3view can be quite complicated, it is possible to save the parameters used in one rendering for use at a leter time. By pressing the "Save parameters" button of the d3view command window, a standard matlab file dialog pops up, and a simple ascii text file containing may parameters is saved to a chosen filename. Here is an example of a d3view parameter file:
 d3view Parameter file  
 Saved by willend@fog.pet.rh.dk
 on 04-Jul-2000, 16:42:40 
 MR Template              : /data1/demos/d3view_template.mat 
   including analyze data : /usr/local/Perl-Pam/MR-template/colin224flipx_half_talairach 
   Min and Max set to     : (-49 , 315) 
   MR Colormap            : gray 
   MR Surface Visibility  : on 
   MR Slice Visibility    : on 
   Octant Origin          : [-30 10 5] 
   Visible Octants        : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 
   Invisible Octants      :  
 1 PET datasets loaded  
 PET Dataset 1            : /data1/demos/kristin_hbm.img 
   Min and Max set to     : (0.1 , 4.2935) 
   PET Colormap           : hot 
   PET Slice Visibility   : off 
   PET Surface Visibilit  : on 
   PET Blob Visibility    : off 
 Extra Options window (Lights not listed)  
 Surface Material           
   Ambient Light          : 0.3 
   Diffuse Light          : 0.8 
   Specular Light         : 0.3 
   Lighting Method        : Gouraud 
 AC/PC Planes and Axes      
   Plane Visibility       : on 
   Edge Color             : [0 0 0] 
   Face Color             : [0.040962 0.3108 1] 
   Axis Visibility        : on 
   Axis Color             : [1 1 1] 
   X Label                : x 
   Y Label                : y 
   Z Label                : z 
   Label Color            : [0 0.67718 1] 
   Title                  :  
   Title Color            : [1 1 1] 
 Misc Properties     
   Surface Resolution     :  44225 
   PET/MR color blending  : on 
   MR Surface Color       : [0.5 0.5 0.5] 
   Background Color       : [0 0 0] 
   Use Bgcolor for prints : off 
 End of Parameter List  

Reading parameters

For user convenience, it is possible to read a saved parameter file from inside d3view. Pressing the "Read parameters" button of the d3view command window will bring up a standard matlab file dialog, for selection of an ascii text file, which is then shown in the editor nedit:

Nedit showing a parameter file

The user is then able to copy-paste parameters from the parameter file into d3view.

End of tutorial. Back to d3view info page.