volView volume browser

volView is a matlab program, and is started from a running matlab command prompt. Called without any parameters, volView presents a file selection dialog for selection of an SPM Analyze image:

selection dialog

Giving volView a filename as parameter, eg. volView('/data1/demos/T1'), will open the given SPM Analyze fileset in the volume browser:

volView volume browser

The Analyze header info is presented in the lower right part of the volume browser.

The volView volume browser is used for navigation and point selection within an Analyze dataset. The coordinates of a point within the 3d datset selects the three shown slices, and is selected by clicking the slices, changing the value of the sliders or inputting the coordinates directly to the three 'x', 'y' and 'z' boxes.

In light blue is showed the value of the current voxel.

By clicking the colorbar twice using the left mouse button, the user is able to change the current colormap by use of the colormap menu. Clicking the colorbar twice using the right mouse button will enable the user to enhance contrast in the colormap by changing colormap limits:

Change colormap limits to enhance

End of volView info page.