d3view Users tutorial (5): Rendering Parameters

The final rendered image consists of a number of 3d objects and a number of light-sources. The parameters are controlled using 5 different windows: Features of each window are described below. When not otherwise stated, the 'Render Image' button of either d3view command window or the "Extra Options" window must be pressed to reflect changes made.

Octant origin

The octant origin window is brought up by clicking the "O. origin" button of the d3view command window. The window selects the point of intersection between the three axis-parallel planes, as described in section 3 of the tutorial. The functionallity of the octant origin window is fundamentally the same as that of volView

Octant selector

Octant selector

The window is made visible by clicking the "O. selector" button of the d3view command window. The 8 buttons selects visibility of the 8 parts of the brain surface, as described in section 3 of the tutorial.

Loaded files

Loaded files window

This window is always visible when datasets have been loaded, and contains information on currently loaded datasets. Functionality differs slightly from anatomical to functional datasets:

Depth profile

Depth profile window

The "PET penetration depth" window is brought up by clicking the "Depth profile" button of the d3view command window. The window is used to define how activation is projected onto the brain surface. From each point on the brain surface, a number of steps defined by the "Penetration Steps" field are taken towards the centre of the dataset volume. The steps are spaced evenly over a length in mm defined by the field "Penetration (mm)". At each of the step points, a weight defined by the mathematical expression from the field "Depth function" is multiplied with the activation value of that point, to finally give a weighted mean value of activation below the surface.

Extra Options

Extra Options window

The "Extra Options" window is selected by clicking the "Extra Options" button of the d3view command window. The window has 4 frames dealing which control different types of rendering parameters. The frames are Next tutorial item: Rendering window